Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Learning Reflection

For this blog, I was asked how to review my weekly calendar activity and discuss my plans for successfully my coursework for this class.

Oulahen, Sarah. "Spreading Seeds of Health and Well-Being" 6 September 2012 via sowhealth.blogspot.com 

Here is a quick breakdown of  my routine weekly schedule during the summer, which practically remains the same everyday.  From about 11:00 pm to 9:00 am I sleep.  I want to get a good night's rest so that I can be energized during the day, which is filled with many hours of doing homework, practicing my Russian, or exercising.  When I wake up, I first brush my teeth and then take a shower so I feel clean and ready to go during the day.  I then eat breakfast while watching the news so that I am up to date with the current events around the world.  After about an hour or so, I begin working on my English homework at about 11:00 am and work until about 1:00 pm.  Once I work on my homework for quite a bit of time, I put my mind to rest and work out for an hour so that I feel pumped up for the rest of the day.  At about 2:00 pm I eat lunch and also watch the news, along with ESPN so that I can get the latest updates in the sports world.  After eating lunch I relax and watch some TV so that I can rest before I begin doing my homework again.  At about 4:00 pm I work on my English homework again.  At 5:00 pm I am done for the day with doing my homework and watch prime time news for an hour.   At about 6:00 pm I work on practicing my Russian so that I can test out of it during the fall semester.  I take a break from my Russian practices and eat dinner with my family and enjoy quality time with them.  After dinner, I go back to practicing Russian and once I have done enough quizzes and tests from the Russian website I call it a day.  I then take a shower, brush my teeth, and relax the rest of the night.  At about 11:00 pm or so I go to bed so I can get a good night's rest for the busy day that is ahead.

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