Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Identifying Basic Grammar Patterns

For this blog I will use the longest paragraph in quick reference guide project to identify the basic grammar patterns that are found in it.

Brett. "EnglishGrammarCategories". 23 February 2009 via Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported 

Here is a link to my annotated paragraph from Project #1 which identifies basic grammar patterns.

What did this activity teach me about my own writing?
I was able to learn how I thought my paragraph included all the basic grammar patterns (different parts of speech, different sentence patterns, subordinate word group, sentence structures, and sentence purposes) but only found out that I had to revise it to use of all of them.  It taught a me a valuable lesson in how you think you have completed your paragraph after reading it a few times, but closely viewing it an extra time is all that is needed to help make a paragraph look even better.

Are there grammatical elements that you want to spend more time exploring or improving upon?
I feel confident about finding good examples of different parts of speech and sentence patterns, but I want to work on being able to incorporate more parts to my paragraphs where I include patterns such as subordinate word groups, sentence structures, and sentence purposes.  By consistently utilizing all of the grammar patterns, my writing will only improve.

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