Saturday, August 1, 2015

Questions About Controversy

For this blog post I will drat a series of focusing questions to reframe one of the controversies that I wrote about in my first and second projects.  I will write 25 questions regarding the questions I still need to answer about one of the controversies that I choose.  I will focus on my first project controversy for my third project.

File:Question mark (black on white).png
Neutrality. "Question mark (black on white)". 17 July 2014 via Wikimedia Commons Public Domain 

Questions Regarding Who is in my Controversy:

  1. Which specific states are involved in the vaccination requirement controversy?
  2. Which specific lawmakers have enforced laws requiring vaccination requirements for schoolchildren?
  3.  Who supports vaccination requirements the most?
  4. Regarding different racial backgrounds, who supports vaccination requirements the most?
  5. Of the different medical departments, (private companies or government agencies), who supports the vaccination requirements the most?

Questions Regarding What is up for Debate in my Controversy:

  1. What should the minimum age be for vaccination requirements?
  2. What are the most strict states for requiring vaccinations for schoolchildren?
  3. What type of parents have more or less support for vaccination requirements?
  4. What is percentage of exemption rates for the state that has the highest one?
  5. What is the percentage of exemption rates for the states that has the lowest one?

Questions Regarding When did my Controversy Unfold:

  1. When did this controversy begin to be a national issue?
  2. When did more states begin enforcing stricter exemption laws?
  3. When did states begin enforcing vaccination requirements for various types of diseases?
  4. When did a majority of schools see their exemption rates increase?
  5. When did people begin using more nonmedical exemptions than medical or religious exemptions?

Questions Regarding Where did my Controversy Unfold:

  1. In regards to the different states in the U.S., where were vaccination rates the highest and where are exemption rates the highest?
  2. Where in California is the area with the highest amount of vaccine-preventable diseases?
  3. In regards to medical or religious exemptions, where are these numbers the highest?
  4. Where in the U.S. are the highest rates of vaccine-preventable diseases?
  5. Where in the U.S. did this controversy begin to unfold?

Questions Regarding How did my Controversy Unfold in the Media:
  1. How did this controversy become a nationally-known issue?
  2. How did social media play a role in having more people informed about this controversy?
  3. How did scientists play a role in informing more people about this controversy?
  4. How did government agencies and medical clinics deal with the increase in exemption rates?
  5. How did lawmakers come together to pass legislation enforcing stricter vaccination requirements for schoolchildren?

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